The Funeral Celebrants of Switzerland are here to help you.
You are mourning a person close to you, and you want to honour his or her life with a non-confessional funeral. The “Association of Funeral Celebrants of Switzerland” can support you in this demanding task, in all regions of Switzerland. The “Funeral Celebrants of Switzerland” are professionals with the skills needed to create dignified funerals and burials. Our celebrants have varying personalities, training and ideologies, and this is reflected in the services they provide. While some focus on the eulogy and the creation of a funeral ceremony, others will provide a longer period of support during the process of dying and, afterwards, for the families of the deceased. All of these funeral celebrants, however, will meet your needs with respect and empathy. On their websites you will find all the important information you require.
Funeral celebrants
Zurich region
Funeral celebrants
Aargau region
Central Swiss region
Northwest Swiss region
Northeast Swiss region
Southeast Swiss region
German-speaking Region of Berne, Fribourg and Valais
French-speaking region
Italian-speaking region
© 2024 Verein Trauerredner*innen Schweiz